The Dublin Lions Club was founded August 31, 1953 in Dublin, Virginia. On Thursday August 15, 2019, this chartering was celebrated. President Lion Judy Alford opened the meeting and introduced special guests PID Richard Chaffin and his spouse Lion Debbie Chaffin and 2nd VDG Eric Mills and his spouse Pattie Miller-Mills. A history of the clubs accomplishments was given by Lion Larry Clevinger. PID Chaffin gave the club a rousing encouragement to continue the excellent work of the past, and keep touching lives.
Above (L-R) Richard Chaffin addressing the club. Celebratory cakes for desert. Eric Mills, Judy Alford, Pattie Miller-Mills.
PID Chaffin presented two commemorative pins from International President Dr. Jung-Yul Choi to Lions Andy Hullender and Judy Alford.
L-R Andy Hullender receiving from Chaffin; Chaffin presenting to Judy Alford
The night was closed out by PCC Marty Alford with the swearing in of two new members; Lions Mary Preston and Caroline Gaskins. They were sponsored by by Lions Eddy Stephens and Judy Alford.
L-R Judy Alford, Carolin Gaskins, Marty Alford, Mary Preston, Eddy Stephens