The Dublin Lions recently presented a check to Alpha Phi to fund books for the students at Critzer Elementary. The program will promote reading by giving each child a book. Both groups agree that reading is the best thing you can do with your eyes!
Alpha Phi is a local chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa. ADK is a sorority of distinguished educators dedicated to altruism and the promotion of learning.
The Dublin Lions Club has been serving the needs of people in Pulaski County and abroad since their inception in 1953. They provide firsthand service, eyeglass and hearing aid assistance and participate in fundraising. They are known for the iconic Lion Dog, their signature entre served annually at the NRV Fair and at their two large seasonal flea markets. More information about them can be found at
Receiving the check for Alpha Phi is Angie Clevinger, presented by Lions Carolyn Hager and Donna Settle.