Covid-19 has stopped a lot of things, but not the chance to taste delicious Lion Dogs. The Dublin Lions hosted the first ever Lion Dog Drive Thru on June 6 at their building in Dublin. In order to make it a socially distancing friendly event, they created a drive thru in the parking lot and took orders online, where purchasers could order and pay, just picking up at the site. The initial plan was to take orders over the phone and in person as well, but that quickly became impossible due to overwhelming demand. The Lions Club were disappointed that they were not able to fulfill onsite orders, but can insure you that they will have better plan for next time. The Dublin Lions stated, “We had no indication on the amount of people that would show up and order Lion Dogs.” This created backlog that had rumors of the line going all the way up Bagging Plant Road.
The event was such as success, they plan to have another event. The next one will be Saturday August 15, 2020 from 11:00AM to 5:00PM. To better prepare the Dublin Lions will be making some changes. First, they will have five cookers instead two like last time. This will increase their ability to produce more Lion Dogs. Second, pre-orders sales are now have been broken down into hourly increments to spread the crowd out over the course of the day. Third, they will take onsite orders again, but they will be limited to 10 (TEN) Lion Dogs per order. You may order larger quantities if you pre-order. It is highly encouraged to make a pre-order online.
“The Dublin Lions appreciates all the support from the community and their patience during our last event. We hope you will come back out and support us again. Together we serve our community.” If you wish to place an order, please go to If you have questions, please email
